This piece is for my Mixed Media art group again.... I always seem to be posting stuff for it that I'm sending to others.... I swear one of these will be for me! Anyway, July's Random Lottery Theme winner chose Harmony. I made this piece from a 1x1 paper mache box, lumiere paints, buttons, a feather, moss, some twigs, fibers, a vintage flower button, ephemera, a rhinestone and assorted glues....
It took me about 2 hours to do. Now the glue around the button was cleaned up a bit after I took the pic. As you can see, it was still drying! But I removed the excess and it looks great now. If you look at the last photo, the colors on it really come through alot. The Lumieres are so awesome to work with and they come out so shimmery....
I really need to work on something for me. I still haven't finished my version of "Night". And I have lots of other ideas that I need to put into motion. So many people are doing the stamping classes in group that I think I need to join too. Maybe on Tuesday when I have a whole day off to devote to me. Well, that's it for tonight kids!